People believe, what they want to believe. They never want…
People believe, what they want to believe. They never want to know whether it is true or not. They are driven by the instinct of their mind which will jeopardize their whole life. »
People believe, what they want to believe. They never want to know whether it is true or not. They are driven by the instinct of their mind which will jeopardize their whole life. »
Can I Be an Effective Pastor If I Don’t Like Management? Pastors are not managers, at least in a corporate-business-world-publicly-traded-company-sort-of-way. But pastors are shepherds. And shepherds manage sheep. Leading a church involves management. ... »
Welcome To Church! New to Free Chapel? Click here: Gave your life to Christ today? Click here: Partner with us! Click here: Find your next step at Free Chapel. Click here: »
What has this lockdown taught you so far? What God has taught you so far? Aside from that, I believe God wants to get all our attention. He wants to change our hearts. He wants us to grow from this– to grow our relationship with Him, and also to grow our faith. He doesn’t want us to go back to normal. He wants us changed and restored. With all the noises and reactions around us, I believ... »