Month: July 2021

One piece of evidence that points to early authorship of…

One piece of evidence that points to early authorship of…

One piece of evidence that points to early authorship of the gospels by eyewitnesses is that the names of the individuals in the gospel accounts happen to match the most popular names used in Palestine in the first century. The page below is from the book Cold-Case Christianity »

Sunday Morning Service | July 11, 2021

Sunday Morning Service | July 11, 2021

Welcome! Westmore is blessed that you have chosen to worship with us, today. If you are new to the Cleveland/Chattanooga area or visiting, we would love for you to join us here at our location (2440 Legacy Parkway, Cleveland, TN 37312). Let us know where you are watching from, (take a pic if you wish and tag us with @westmorecog on your social media accounts), and do not forget to like and share t... »

This isn’t really an apologetics topic but there are a…

This isn’t really an apologetics topic but there are a…

This isn’t really an apologetics topic but there are a lot of people on here posting about covid-19 and it’s good to have a little perspective »

If your Salvation was totally secure, what would change in…

If your Salvation was totally secure, what would change in your day-to-day walk with Jesus? »