Month: July 2021

I’m struggling with reading the Bible with excitement and anticipation….

I’m struggling with reading the Bible with excitement and anticipation. I’m going through Luke again, and I’m just not stoked about it. I’m passively reading, I’m bored, and I feel convicted about my boredom. Is this normal? Anyone else experience this? How do I get out of this apathy? »

City Nights May 2021

City Nights May 2021


Why My English Teacher Wanted To Be Baptized In Jesus…

Why My English Teacher Wanted To Be Baptized In Jesus Name! Ms. DeGroote, as she wished to be called, was from France and she taught my senior year English class at South Bend Central High. She was 63 and referred to herself as a spinster. We had more creative names for her. Most of the students dreaded her classes. We were taught diction and enunciation with a heavy French accent. It seemed to ma... »

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie,…

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie,…

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. – Romans 1:25 Math and science proves it… YOU were “created” by God. You did NOT evolve by random chance processes from a slime pit. »