Month: July 2021

Here’s some evidence for the early dating of the book…

Here’s some evidence for the early dating of the book of revelation which might bring some clarity to the book. The Seven Churches in Asia that John wrote Revelation to a specific group of churches in Asia (Revelation 1:4). The importance of this statement cannot be overlooked (even though it has been by many scholars). There is only one small window of time in which there were only seven ch... »

Adam’s First Wife Was Not Eve, It Was Lilith (Wife…

Adam’s First Wife Was Not Eve, It Was Lilith (Wife…

Anybody heard of this before Adam’s First Wife Was Not Eve, It Was Lilith (Wife and Snake) But The Bible Keeps it Secret … After studying the ancient texts, some specialists found that Eve was not Adam’s first wife and also »

God is sovereign over all things including the corona virus.

God is sovereign over all things including the corona virus.

God is sovereign over all things including the corona virus. »

Mark 3:28-30 Explained

Mark 3:28-30 Explained

On this episode of “Explaining the Scriptures”, Pastor Shane Brown explains Mark 3:28-30. »