Month: July 2021

1. Are Satire & Sarcasm useful to “rebuke” others? 2….

1. Are Satire & Sarcasm useful to “rebuke” others? 2. Are they in line with Galatians 6:1, “..if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.” Thanks, »

I address as many misrepresentations of the Bible as I…

I address as many misrepresentations of the Bible as I…

I address as many misrepresentations of the Bible as I possibly can in this exchange; I don’t know everything in the apologetic realm, the things I do know are less than the things I need to learn.. But the accusation that “the earth is flat” according to scripture is obvious, and blatant slander.. What flat earthers, and Atheists do is take figurative passages, and figures of speech such as “immo... »

Romans 9:11 talks about unborn children not having done good…

Romans 9:11 talks about unborn children not having done good or evil being born yet… if sin or the curse of sin is passed down doesnt that mean they are already considered sinful or does one have to “breathe” life to be born into sin? »


**THE IMPOSSIBLE (WELL … FOR MEN) HOLY BIBLE…** By Roxy Wade, Christian Apologist The Holy Bible contains 66 Books, Written by 40 Authors, in 3 Different Languages, Written across 3 Different Continents, over a 1,500 Year Period, yet … it is a Seamless Writing that is molded together perfectly. To Perfection, God’s Impossible Prophecies have been fulfilled and continue to this day. The... »