Month: September 2021

Hi all! So I have a question for the sound…

Hi all! So I have a question for the sound of doctrine-Christians. I was raised in the Pentecostal/Word-Of-Faith/Prosperity Gospel Movement and 99% of everyone I know believes that movement, and I thank God for opening my eyes to the deception, but my question is.. if there is anyone that is in the same situation and realizes how hard it is to see everyone claiming they cannot get sick in this tim... »

I’ve been in quite a few discussions and it amazes…

I’ve been in quite a few discussions and it amazes me how some read the bible. When we read any form of literature we have no problem understanding what the author is communicating even when they use symbols, metaphors hyperbole etc. The basic rules of reading literature. Basically literature is the communication through the pen. Then why when we get to the bible we get rid of all the rules?... »

What are some good bible study commentators for the prophetic…

What are some good bible study commentators for the prophetic books? (Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, etc.) »

Serious question- God’s unconditional election: I fear calling God into…

Serious question- God’s unconditional election: I fear calling God into question, knowing that His will is good and perfect. But I am having difficulty coming to terms with Scripture stating God “Wants ALL people to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth,” but throughout the entirety of the Bible, God calls upon His elect who were set aside before the foundation of the wo... »