Month: September 2021

How was the serpent moving or what was it doing…

How was the serpent moving or what was it doing before God said: “On your belly will you go, and dust will you eat all the days of your life.” Genesis‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭TLV‬‬ “ADONAI Elohim said to the serpent, “Because you did this, Cursed are you above all the livestock and above every animal of the field. On your belly will you go, and dust will you eat all the days of your life.” Genesis‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭TLV‬‬... »

Youth Pastor, Somerset, Pa.

Somerset Church of God has a full-time position open for a a highly relational couple who can come in and make connections and build and lead a youth group. We […] The post Youth Pastor, Somerset, Pa. appeared first on Church Of God. »

John Lennox is a “must-see” for anyone struggling to justify…

John Lennox is a “must-see” for anyone struggling to justify…

What do you guys think of Professor John Lennox? Where does he rank on your list of famous apologists? John Lennox is a “must-see” for anyone struggling to justify their faith. His training as a professor of mathematics makes him uniquely qualified to tangle with some of the most brilliant minds atheism can bring to bear. »

1 Timothy 5:20 Explained

1 Timothy 5:20 Explained

On this episode of “Explaining the Scriptures”, Pastor Shane Brown explains 1 Timothy 5:20 »