Month: March 2022

How to Create a “Whole Church” Culture of Hospitality

There is a danger that lurks just beyond a healthy guest services team. You can invite the right volunteers to serve on the team, provide excellent training so they understand the why behind the what, and implement foolproof ways for your first time guests to know where to go and what to do. But even... The post How to Create a “Whole Church” Culture of Hospitality appeared first on Church Answers... »

Guest Lectures – Wernher von Braun at Wheaton College, 1961

A highlight for any college community, especially smaller colleges, includes guest lectures by important people of their times. These can include authors, artists, politicians, journalists, celebrities, and scientists. The best... »

Beyond Racial Divisions: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism

Author Q&A with George Yancey Christ Animating Learning blogger George Yancey is coming out with a new book in March by Intervarsity Press entitled, Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative... »

2011 Powder Springs Newsletter

  July 27th 2011 Perry Stone Ministries 2011 Powder Springs Conference Albums Christian Greetings!  I actually had no plans of making the Powder Springs conference available on CD... »