Month: April 2022
Do I Believe The Best In Others?
Do I believe the best in others? This is a question that I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Because believing the best in others is not something to be assumed; you must be intentional in checking the lens you’re looking through when viewing others.... »
Some atheists demonstrate they have no idea what thoughtful Christians…
Some atheists demonstrate they have no idea what thoughtful Christians actually believe. Exhibit A. #TheRedPenStrikesAgain #RedPenLogicWithMrB #RedPenLogic #WillTheRealRedPenPleaseStandUp #RedPenFail #TakingAtheistRepublicToSchool #RedPenInception »
Guest Post – A Volcanic Tightrope
In March of 2020, famed daredevil Nik Wallenda completed the astonishing feat of walking on a tightrope stretched out across an active Volcano crater in Nicaragua. He stood roughly 2,100... »