Year: 2022

REPENT OR YOU DIE (EZEKIEL 18 vs 30-32) God is…

REPENT OR YOU DIE (EZEKIEL 18 vs 30-32) God is…

REPENT OR YOU DIE (EZEKIEL 18 vs 30-32) God is a merciful God who do not want sinners to die but He want them to realize their sins and repent from them all. But its unfortunate that some people have realized their sins and refused to repent and God is asking why do you want to die? The wages of sin is death, any soul that refuse to repent shall die. The end of all sinners is in the lake of fire w... »

Symposium Presented on Cultural Diversity

Symposium Presented on Cultural Diversity ... »

Perry Stone | Can You Be Trusted with the Plan? | Omega Center International

Perry Stone | Can You Be Trusted with the Plan? | Omega Center International

Join us live for worship with First Hearts and a message from Perry Stone! Although we offer this stream for free, we still need your support to continue. To give to the minsitry, please visit You can also consider becoming a Partner’s Strike Force member to support all aspects of the ministry. Thank you for all your support! »

Faith News Holiday Schedule

Faith News Holiday Schedule

Faith News Holiday Schedule You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »