Year: 2022

General Assembly Speakers, Schedule Announced

General Assembly Speakers, Schedule Announced ... »

Church Planting Strategy Announced During GA2012

On Thursday, July 26, a “Special Order of the Day” was announced to the General Council attending the 74th International General Assembly of the Church of God. The order was a report on a USA church planting strategy entitled, “2020 C... »

“God, I love this…”

    This past weekend, our family traveled south to Pigeon Forge, TN to meet up and spend some time with our North Carolina family.  We were blessed by my company with tickets to Dollywood, and we are never a family to turn down a good t... »

Thanksgiving Greetings

Our prayer is that this holiday season finds you blessed in all things. For some this will be a difficult season as you are reminded of those that are now missing from the festivities. For others, the next few days will be full of joyous reuniting with... »