Year: 2022

Worship Wars

Worship Wars

Some years ago I was asked to write an article using the title "Worship Wars." It was interesting to see those two words side by side. To compile the article... »

RISE 2022 : A FREE world-class conference for church leaders

96 RISE 2022 : A FREE world-class conference for church leaders ... »

Global Central Banks and US Democrat Party Fight to Keep…

Global Central Banks and US Democrat Party Fight to Keep…

Global Central Banks and US Democrat Party Fight to Keep American and Iraqi Citizens from Prospering For the prophecy student take aim at what is going on right now in the Middle East for if you do, you are witnessing what was prophesied thousands of years ago take place right before your eyes. This is the generation the Lord spoke about that will see these things take place. The sanctions have cu... »

Is It Well?

Is It Well?

One of my favorite hymns is a powerful hymn, standing on it's own. But when you know the story behind the hymn, it takes on even more meaning, and it stands as a testimony as to what faith in God will do for a man. The following is not my own, but is c... »