Year: 2022

President Donald Trump on Friday labeled churches and other houses…

I am amazed how many church going Christians think it is OK for the Governments now that states have opened to still tell church members not to meet. Acts 2:46 they met daily. President Trump intervened in the crisis by approving churches as “essential service”. I have noticed the First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the fre... »

Saturday March 23: 18 Adar II

This day seems to be one of many firsts when it comes to Jewish-American history. For instance, on this day in 1801, the first Jewish Governor in the United States was sworn in as the Governor of Georgia. This is very interesting when you consider that the South has long been associated with racism and […] »

Trump Will be Religion-Friendly

Bill Donohue comments on Donald Trump’s friendly attitude toward religion: None of the three biggest vote getters in the primaries—Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders—are known for their deeply rooted religious convictions. Trump is Presbyterian and Clinton is a Methodist, and like many mainline Protestants, they are religion-lite; Sanders is an admitted secularist.... »

Trump’s The Right Man For This Job

Trump’s The Right Man For This Job

Trump’s The Right Man For This Job »