Year: 2022

ESCHATOLOGICAL Significance in Trump’s Supreme Court Pick

ESCHATOLOGICAL Significance in Trump’s Supreme Court Pick

We are in the midst of a historic moment for our country. From the moment that Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, every news broadcast in America has been filled with questions about who his replacement will be.  Two thousand years ago, the world deserved condemnation, judgment and everlasting destruction, but instead, God gave them—and us—a Savior. Paul spoke... »

My 10 Favorite Lesser-Known Martin Luther King Quotes

My 10 Favorite Lesser-Known Martin Luther King Quotes

There are very few historical individuals who I find more inspirational than Martin Luther King. It isn't just that his words are some of western Christianity's... The post My 10 Favorite Lesser-Known Martin Luther King Quotes appeared first on Jayson D. Bradley. »

Chapter 16 **Revelation Chapter 16** In Revelation 11:14-18, we find…

Chapter 16 **Revelation Chapter 16** In Revelation 11:14-18, we find…

Chapter 16 **Revelation Chapter 16** In Revelation 11:14-18, we find these words, “The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of Yahuwah and of His Messiah; and He shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat befo... »

President NIXON with 1987 prophetic letter: Trump will be president

President NIXON with 1987 prophetic letter: Trump will be president »