Year: 2022

Winter Commencement 2020 – Part 1

Winter Commencement 2020 – Part 1

Dr. Walker introduces student speakers and provides the agenda for the online celebration of Winter 2020 graduates from Lee University. Student speakers include Val Berger, Abby Fortner, and Macey Williams. »

Church of God Canon Law?: The Gender Identity Affirmation

Dale M. CoulterThere are two motions dealing with transgenderism. I have already addressed the resolution (see here and here), but I now want to address the proposal to add a statement to the instructions for ministers (ag... »

NEW ourCOG APP in time for General Assembly

NEW ourCOG APP in time for General Assembly

NEW ourCOG APP: GET IT on the official Google Droid app PLAY STORE »

He, and He Alone, Must be Lifted Up

The historical hour we currently live in is saturated with prophetical signs that tell us how urgent the mission of Christ really is on this earth. The church and every Christian must be absorbed in and totally committed to the exaltation of Jesus Christ. He himself tells us why this is required in John 12:32 [...] »