Year: 2022


CONFIRMED: SAN BERNADINO SHOOTER IS ISLAMOTERRORIST FAROOQ SAEED… From @oreillyfactor Shooter is Muslim Jihadist Farooq Saeed #SanBernadino #SanBernadinoShooting »

Updated: This chart demonstrates documented connections and influences

Updated: This chart demonstrates documented connections and influences of Pagan philosophy and Theurgy with influential theologians through Church History. »

* Could any Practising Roman catholic prove the following claims…

* Could any Practising Roman catholic prove the following claims of their Church from the pages of the Scriptures? If any. shall deny that in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, there is contained truly,, really, and substantially the body and, blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, but shall say that he is only in it in sign or figure, or power, let him be accu... »

Demonic influences

Demonic influences are so numerous in type and quantity, that this subject can never be exhaustively described. However, three common manifestations and causes of localized demonic control, even in Christians, are: (1) Through Idols And Icons; (2) Through Occult Practices; and (3) Through Substance Abuse. Demonic control over our thoughts and understandings of God and   Read More ... »