Month: February 2023

comment posted today on That’s disturbing… I hope he…

comment posted today on That’s disturbing… I hope he is going to get a closer look at what riverhills Tampa is needing in new leadership… I doubt it… so many dirty tricks in play with riverhills especially the leadership failings . My question is how is riverhills Tampa affording a conference with Eddie James and the likes when they have to raise 85,000 a month t... »

Meet Our Pastor Jason and his wife, Jennifer serve as…

Meet Our Pastor Jason and his wife, Jennifer serve as…

Meet Our Pastor Jason and his wife, Jennifer serve as Lead Pastors at Metropolitan Church. They have been married for eighteen years and have three children: Ansley, Abby, and Ava. Serving in ministry since 2001, Jason and Jennifer began as youth pastors in Clermont, Florida. In 2007, the Browning f… » | church of god (Cleveland, tn) – #ourCOG Twitter hash-tag archive v1.1 | cog Blogs Syndication 0.53:… | church of god (Cleveland, tn) - #ourCOG Twitter hash-tag archive v1.1 | cog Blogs Syndication 0.53:... »

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Gay-Marriage Cases

There was no word today from the U.S. Supreme Court on whether it would tackle the issue of gay marriage. The justices issued a list of cases they will hear in the new term, which begins on Monday, but same-sex marriage was notably absent. The silence on the gay-marriage question was no surprise. Although there are seven same-sex-marriage cases pending before the court, the justices like to thorou... »