Month: February 2023

Here is some real good Church of God ministry watch…

Here is some real good Church of God ministry watch and share what you think! »

I posted this on my FB page back in 2011….

I posted this on my FB page back in 2011. Elmer Odum was teaching Church History at Lee College and specifically pointing out the things that would be on our upcoming exam. I remember like it was just yesterday that he paused to point out page 560 in the textbook. He emphasized that this would not be on the exam but went on to expound on the six points of the anti-missions Baptist movement. Throug... »

Watching TV news with my wife and a lady was…

Watching TV news with my wife and a lady was on with really short hair -I told my wife I bet she is COG and my wife just rolled her eyes!!! »

Agree 18 – Session 5 – Jentezen Franklin

Agree 18 – Session 5 – Jentezen Franklin

Agree 18 – Session 5 – Jentezen Franklin »