Month: February 2023

Global Prayer Center | 12.1.2022

Global Prayer Center | 12.1.2022

Join us live for corporate prayer from our Global Prayer Center. To submit prayer requests, visit To donate to Connect the Word with the World by sponsoring a pastor through ISOW’s Mission Connect program, please visit »

Hillary Clinton endorses gay marriage — change in position

Hillary Clinton endorses gay marriage — change in position


Identity Crisis | Justin Graham

Identity Crisis | Justin Graham

Live from Omega Center International, Justin Graham will be speaking. If you enjoy the message we put out, make sure to subscribe to our channel. Omega Center International is an Evangelical convention center in Cleveland, TN, that is home to the Ramp at OCI. Make sure to watch our live streams Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. Follow us on Facebook at the Ramp at OCI for more information. If you would like to... »

Why aren't Church of God bishops rushing to join this…

Why aren’t Church of God bishops rushing to join this open forum? There are some administrative bishops who have joined, why are they joining. We have over 1000 members and that is a significant number of members. I am certain there are a large number of non-member “hits” and “lurking” by curious observers. The forum is set to public only the posts are admin approved.... »