“My twitter feed is a combination of updates from #goCOG…
“My twitter feed is a combination of updates from #goCOG #GA2016 & #RNCinCLE. Both are making me nauseous.” »
“My twitter feed is a combination of updates from #goCOG #GA2016 & #RNCinCLE. Both are making me nauseous.” »
“Now the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man on the earth to … »
I have always enjoyed reading R. Leonard Carroll’s books. Here is one of them. In the short time that he was GO, he really picked up on a lot things that I never could understand at that time, but now have a full understanding of his messages in the CoG Evangel. »
When a gift of tongues is manifested at the Church of God General Council shouldn’t the moderator then recognize the mike from which an interpretation is to be given? Why does the moderator give the interpretation? Is this Biblical or is it customary and traditional? If no interpretation is given should the moderator then move on to business at hand? »