Month: June 2023

When a COG minister ask us to "speak life" what…

When a COG minister ask us to “speak life” what does he mean? That is a common cliche we hear often however what does it mean? Is there a negative connotation implied? Is this a new form of Peale and Shuyler positive thinking? Is it new thought speech? Can you “speak life” without speaking death to some one? Isn’t this speech control for church growth strategies? »

I had a conversation with a dean of a seminary…

I had a conversation with a dean of a seminary after he’d preached a message, and said something about ‘going to heaven when you die.’ He said something I kind of knew, but hadn’t worked out of my active vocabulary yet. He said the New Testament never speaks of going to heaven when you die. The idea of going to heaven when you die is at best inferred from just a little scri... »

Resigned or Waiting?

“When the day comes, I’ll be waiting.” God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;God shall … »

The Amazing Story Of Zvi The Jew Who Endured And Escaped The Nazi Holocaust To Become A Born Again Believer In Jesus The Messiah

As a 10-year-old Jewish boy, Zvi was separated from his parents and forced to face the trials of survival in Adolph Hitler’s Holocaust. How he triumphed against all odds and found his way home to Israel and faith in the Messiah Jesus is one of the greatest stories of our time. I am sitting here […] The post The Amazing Story Of Zvi The Jew Who Endured And Escaped The Nazi Holocaust To Become A Bor... »