Month: June 2023

A recent post-Tribulation book by a guy who did some…

A recent post-Tribulation book by a guy who did some…

A recent post-Tribulation book by a guy who did some mission work in Indonesia or the close by area, led to some question as of HOW exactly can a left behind church survive the Tribulation? His “boo »

ONLY the saved are “caught up” in the Rapture

ONLY the saved are “caught up” in the Rapture

A new Web site is offering a first-of-its-kind service: sending e-mails to nonbelieving friends and family who are “left behind” after you are whisked away by God in the rapture. The site offers users the ability to store e-mails and documents that will be sent to up to 63 e-mail addresses six days after the rapture has occurred. Users get up to 250 megabytes of... »

The Apostolic Faith (January, 1907)

The Apostolic Faith (January, 1907)

We are expecting wonderful things from the Lord for 1907. The closing up of the old year and beginning of the new found us on our knees at Azusa Mission. And as the new year was announced, such a wave of glory, and divine love and unity came over us. The meeting went on till [...] »

Nobody Is Promised Tomorrow :: By Nathele Graham

What a joy it is to know that Jesus paid the price to redeem us from eternal death. Do you feel that joy? Many things can cause us to forget that joy. One thing that always seems to take joy away is confusion. There are so many “teachers” who have contradicting opinions, and they all […] The post Nobody Is Promised Tomorrow :: By Nathele Graham appeared first on Rapture Ready. »