Month: June 2023

Church of God, Chattanooga senior youth camp ab. 1961-62 the…

Church of God, Chattanooga senior youth camp ab. 1961-62 the main sports event was a camper vs staff fast pitch softball. The staff included Garland Griffis, Calvin Wigley, the popular Hurst twins, Edmond Stallings, Byrd and I can’t remember the others. Garland Griffis pitched and I mean fast pitch! Baseball had not been my forte rather I liked football. But at youth camp I was hitting softb... »

This Day, June 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 23 79: Vespasian, the Roman general who was in the process of conquering Judea when he became Emperor, died. 79: Titus, the Roman general whom the Jews will always remember for the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple succeeded his father Ves... »

Flat Earther Stages Experiment To Prove The Earth Is Not Round But It Stunningly Backfires Providing Evidence That Debunks His Own Claims

Flat Earther Stages Experiment To Prove The Earth Is Not Round But It Stunningly Backfires Providing Evidence That Debunks His Own Claims

The belief in a flat Earth has gained traction over the years, leading to numerous attempts to prove this theory. However, a recent experiment conducted by a flat Earth proponent has inadvertently debunked their own claims. Even though I ascribe to the notion of a round Earth, I very much like conversation and debate, not arguments, with […] The post Flat Earther Stages Experiment To Prove The Ear... »

Do you remember your first Church of God youth camp…

Do you remember your first Church of God youth camp…

Do you remember your first Church of God youth camp counselors. Donald Johnson was one of my first. He was a good camp counselor. »