Month: June 2023

At the Friday night Tennessee CoG camp meeting Samuel Rodriguez…

At the Friday night Tennessee CoG camp meeting Samuel Rodriguez preached against “breakthrough” ministries and elaborated a few minutes about it. I can not get a response from anyone who knows what he meant and in fact my request has been deleted several times. What is this all about? »

Night four of the Tennessee "Camp meeting" at North Cleveland…

Night four of the Tennessee “Camp meeting” at North Cleveland CoG »

Camp Meeting Features!

Camp Meeting Features!

96 FREE SHIPPING 3 Days Only - Camp Meeting Features!We missed seeing you at Camp Meeting ...<!-- ... »

When a camp meeting preacher is clearly endorsing a General…

When a camp meeting preacher is clearly endorsing a General Assembly agenda item should they include that endorsement as from the anointing of the Holy Spirit? Could another preacher present an opposing view to the same agenda item under the same Holy Spirit anointing? »