22 Dec 2023

BRICS member presses ICC to charge Israel with war crimes 
South Africa has submitted all necessary paperwork to the International Criminal Court (ICC), to bring war crime charges against Israel over its offensive in Gaza, President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Monday, according to local outlet Eyewitness News.

Firefighters battle major wildfire near Cape Town, South Africa 
Hundreds of firefighters are battling a wildfire that spread across a mountain near Cape Town, endangering South Africa’s largest naval base and leading to the evacuation of nearby houses.

Strong and shallow M6.3 earthquake hits Andreanof Islands, Alaska 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.3 hit Andreanof Islands, Alaska, U.S. at 14:55 UTC on December 21, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 33 km (20.5 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.1 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

The biggest blizzard ever recorded along China’s coast 
China’s Shandong Peninsula is experiencing severe snowstorms, with Yantai and Wendeng setting new historic highs for snow depth amidst a severe cold wave affecting parts of the country.

World Economic Forum demands $3.5 trillion per year to ‘decarbonize’ the planet, ‘reach net-zero and restore nature’
The creepy anti-humans who run the World Economic Forum (WEF) have decided that we must do more to save Gaia.

2023 marks Denmark’s wettest year on record 
Denmark has officially experienced its wettest calendar year since record-keeping began in 1874.

Extremely rare ‘rainbow clouds’ light up Arctic skies for 3 days in a row
“Spectacular” rainbow-colored clouds have been shimmering in the skies over and around the Arctic for more than three days thanks to an unusual cold snap in the upper atmosphere. And even more of these technicolor treats could appear during the next few months, experts say.

The World Is Sitting on a Powder Keg of Debt
The Federal Reserve recently surrendered in its inflation fight. But price inflation is nowhere near the 2% target. Why did the Fed raise the white flag prematurely? One of the major reasons is debt. The world is buried under record debt levels and the global economy can’t function in a high interest rate environment.

Chinese-affiliated hacking groups infiltrated critical American infrastructure, including Hawaii water utility and at least one oil and gas pipeline, US officials say
Chinese hackers are positioning themselves inside critical US infrastructure by targeting careless office workers in a bid to cause ‘societal chaos’ from within should war break out.

Foreigners Bought 3.4 Million Acres of U.S. Forest, Farm Land in 2022, Officials Say
Amid mounting concerns over foreign land purchases within the United States, a report from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (DAG) Farm Service Agency has highlighted the alarming pace at which external entities have been gobbling up American forest and farm land.

The biggest US pharmacies are happily handing over Americans’ private health data to law enforcement…
Once again, it seems the medical industry is letting down the American people. It’s becoming a troubling pattern, from questionable vaccines to unclear and often contradictory information about so-called pandemics. Our medical industry, from top to bottom, seems to have failed in its duty to serve the people. Now, we’re facing a complete erosion of trust. It’s come to light that the nation’s largest pharmacies have been willingly sharing Americans’ private health data with law enforcement, all without needing a warrant.n

Gallant: If Houthis keep attacking, we’ll know what to do
If the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen continue to attack Eilat with missiles, the State of Israel will “know what to do,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said during a visit to the Red Sea city on Wednesday.

HOUSE OF SIN: House Previously Investigated Secret Sex Tape Scandal 18 Months Prior to Senate Staffer’s Explicit Filming Fiasco
Recent investigations have uncovered that a lewd sex tape scandal involving a Senate staffer was not the first of its kind. The House of Representatives conducted a discreet investigation into an alleged sex tape scandal that occurred 18 months prior to the recent incident in a Senate hearing room.

US letter supports Israel: America must stand with Israel to eradicate Hamas
US elected officials, as well as national security and military experts have signed a letter calling for America to stand with Israel as it works to eradicate Hamas.

Inside Hamas leaders’ subterranean city | IDF takes control of Hamas’ ‘Elite Quarter’
The IDF announced on Wednesday that its troops secured control over Hamas’ “Elite Quarter” in the center of Gaza City, including the area of the ‘Palestine Square’, from where Hamas’ administrative and military leadership operated.

“Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse” According to a Professor
“We are living in the most serious economic and social crisis in world history. it is a very complex crisis that has not been acknowledged neither by our governments nor by the media, people are misinformed as to logic,” according to Professor Chossudovsky, who adds, “Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute  a “solution” to combating the virus. This was the imposed “solution” implemented in several stages from the very outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.”

WEF and UN join forces to initiate the next global crisis – water 
Water’s global moment has arrived, the World Economic Forum joyously declares on its Global Water Initiative page referring to the upcoming United Nations Water Conference.  The website must be out of date because the UN’s conference has been and gone.

Australian Senator for Queensland says Drain the Swamp
Australian Senator for Queensland, Gerard Rennick, joined Club Grubbery to discuss the state of the Liberal National Party and politics in general in Australia. “We need to clean out the bureaucrats … drain the swamp,” he said.

The post 22 Dec 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.