24 Feb 2024

Shallow M6.3 earthquake hits southern East Pacific Rise – The Watchers
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.3 hit the southern East Pacific Rise at 01:51 UTC on February 23, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 2 km (1.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “….we still need the hand of our LORD and the grace of almighty God!”
President Trump is on a roll today…I’m on the THIRD incredible article in one day highlighting something incredible President Trump has said about God, Jesus, Faith and the Cross of Christ.

NATO Ally Pledges All Its Artillery to Ukraine in Boost for Kyiv
…Denmark has pledged its “entire artillery” stocks to Ukraine, the country’s leader has said, as Kyiv issued renewed pleas for all-important military aid in the face of Russian gains in the east of the country.

Techno-Hell: Germany Announces ‘Pre-Crime’ Police Unit to Target ‘Far-Right’
In a classic case of “life imitating dystopian sci-fi pulp fiction,” the German Fourth Reich has announced big plans for so-called “far-right extremist” (which now means “anyone not blindly obedient to government”) elements of the population it oversees.

Survey of embalmers shows how many are finding rubbery clots; “the science” will never cover stories which threaten Big Pharma sponsors
Former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland surveyed embalmers in 2022 about unusual clots being found in the bodies of vaccinated deceased.  Haviland did a second survey for 2023. While reviewing and commenting on the latest survey results, A Midwestern Doctor gives possible mechanisms for how these clots are forming and discusses why corporate media and “the science” remain silent.

Illinois Bill Wants Make It ‘Child Abuse’ For Parents To Object To Gender Transitioning Of Kids 
A bill introduced in the Illinois House of Representatives would legally define it as ‘child abuse’ for parents to object to gender transitioning of their children by way of puberty blocking, cross sex hormones or surgery.

Sexualization of Children Has Replaced Education
In New Hampshire a state representative read to the House sexually explicit passages from school materials for middle school kids. Clearly these materials are part of the sexually grooming of kids for pedophiles.  Democrats objected to the reading but were voted down.

Terror Victims Sue Associated Press over Alleged Link to October 7 Attack
Victims of the Hamas terror attack in Israel on October 7 announced Thursday that they have filed a federal lawsuit against the Associated Press (AP) for allegedly paying members of Hamas who also functioned as “stringer” photographers for the company.

The Holocaust ‘Exaggerated’? — Our Young People Desperately Need An Education
…A study that was recently published showed that 20% of our population between the ages of 18 and 29 believe that the Holocaust never happened and that it’s all mythology. Another roughly 23% of that same demographic believe it’s “exaggerated.” Friends, it’s not exaggerated. Satan wants us to believe it never happened.

Hijacked: Flemish Parliament Stormed by Pro-Terrorism Protesters, One MP Stands to Defend Israel 
Amidst the chaos, Vlaams Belang MP Sam Van Rooy, representing Belgium’s only true conservative party, boldly stepped forward armed with an Israeli flag to directly engage with the radicals.

Geert Wilder Praises Arrested Islam Critic As ‘Hero’ 
Turkish lawyer Feyza Altun was arrested in Beykoz on Monday for allegedly inciting hatred and hostility. In recent days, she shared tweets critical of Islam, which were not appreciated by the Turkish authorities. She is now free but remains under judicial supervision. Dutch PVV leader Geert Wilders expressed his admiration for Altun, calling her a “hero.”

Vaccinated are susceptible to viral infections and “covid vaccine heart syndrome”
A recent paper examined the mechanisms that cause “covid vaccine heart syndrome.” It raised the possibility of many mechanisms explaining the broad array of cardiac complications and the varying times from injection to presentation.  While they consider several causative factors, the researchers also speculate the known cardiotoxicity of adjuvants is involved.

German taxi driver who converted from Islam fined over Bible quote sticker 
A German taxi driver and Christian convert from Islam has been fined over a Bible quote sticker on his car’s rear window due to what his city refers to as unlawful “religious advertising.”

The post 24 Feb 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.