28 Nov 2023

Severe ‘black blizzard’ in Moscow: Snowfall hits 35% of monthly average overnight, Russia
The Russian capital of Moscow is facing an extraordinary ‘black blizzard’, a weather pattern typically seen in the country’s Far North. Severe weather in the capital started overnight, resulting in heavy snowfall and reduced visibility to approximately 100 m (328 feet), with the situation expected to persist until Tuesday, November 28, 2023.

Powerful Storm Bettina ravages Black Sea region with hurricane-force winds, severe storm surge, flooding and snowstorms 
Hurricane-force winds reaching speeds of 144 km/h (90 mph) and a significant tidal surge caused by a powerful Mediterranean cyclone named Storm Bettina have devastated parts of the Crimean Peninsula, particularly impacting Sevastopol and surrounding districts on November 25 and 26, 2023. The storm has led to widespread power outages, affecting nearly 500 000 residents, and causing considerable flooding and property damage. Bettina’s center moved over land early November 27 and is now heading northward.

Heavy snow and blizzards hit Romania and Bulgaria, claiming lives and disrupting power supply 
Heavy snowfall, strong winds, and blizzards, unleashed by Storm Bettina, have led to severe weather-related incidents and extensive damage in parts of Romania and Bulgaria on November 26 and 27, 2023. The storm resulted in the deaths of at least 3 people and left dozens injured in several countries, including Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia. The adverse conditions are expected to persist, with forecasts predicting low temperatures and moderate rainfall across central-western Romania and north-western Bulgaria in the coming days.

Lightning strikes claim 24 lives in Gujarat, India amid unseasonal severe thunderstorms 
In a rare winter weather phenomenon, the western Indian state of Gujarat experienced severe thunderstorms and lightning strikes, resulting in 24 deaths and approximately 25 injuries. The state, known for rain-related calamities, was unprepared for such a storm during the winter months.

Top Bible Prophecy Stories in 2023 — Longing For The Man Who Will Guarantee Peace And Stability
As each year winds down, I like to review and see how Bible prophecy was fulfilled, or has elements of fulfillment, throughout the year. I always have too many options to choose from—and maybe that is a nice dilemma. We’re in a countdown to the close of the Church Age.

If Modern Israel Is Not Biblical Israel, Then Why Is The God Of The Bible Protecting It?
All throughout the modern history of Israel – the hand of God in rescuing the remnant from the gas chambers and the death camps in Europe; the hand of God in bringing them back to a land that once was a barren wasteland and now is one of the most fertile grounds in the world; the hand of God in reviving the old forgotten Hebrew language as the only means of communication between people that come from more than 80 different diasporas; the hand of God in making sure that the efforts to destroy the newborn state will fail.

Hamas Official: We Kidnapped Foreign Nationals For ‘Their Own Protection’
Hamas official Hisham Qasem spouted a new propaganda talking point for the terrorist group this week, claiming that Hamas terrorists had kidnapped Thai nationals “for their own protection” during their October 7 attack on Israel.

ICE agent warns that ‘terror groups like Hamas’ are already in U.S. thanks to open border
A former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent said Wednesday that Hamas and other terrorist groups are already in the United States thanks to the flood of migrants crossing the southern border.

The Entire Banking System Is Shaking
Why are big banks suddenly rushing to shut down so many local branches all over the nation?  As I have discussed in previous articles, U.S. banks are currently sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in unrealized losses.  When financial institutions get into trouble, they start getting really tight with their money and they start cutting costs.  In addition to laying off workers, our banks have been cutting costs by permanently closing local branches.  For example, between November 12th and November 18th, the sixth largest bank in the United States initiated filings to close  19 more local branches…

Chinese Government Sent Millions in Payments to Biolab in California
Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) is investigating an illegal biolab located in Reedley, California. According to Gallagher, the biolab received “over two million dollars of unexplained wire transfers from China.” Local officials in Reedley reported that the FBI did not investigate the biolab because there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction, and the CDC was forced to investigate after a local congressman called attention to the lab.

The FCC is voting to seize American internet infrastructure in the name of ‘equity’
When regimes capture power, it’s often not in the dramatic fashion of the storming of the Bastille. Instead, it’s a bureaucratic takeover, hidden in jargon and filled with clichés, for the greater good. The Federal Communications Commission is poised to vote today on a sweeping set of new rules called the “Preventing Digital Discrimination Order.”

Girl Scouts of America Now Tells Girls White People are Evil Oppressors 
The Girl Scouts of America used to be a wholesome, all-American institution that taught girls how to be patriotic young women. Now they are teaching kids to be baby-killing, feminists who hate white people. No exaggeration. The Girl Scouts have committed to becoming an “anti-racist” organization.

Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records
A little-known surveillance program tracks more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year, according to a letter WIRED obtained that was sent by US senator Ron Wyden to the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Sunday, challenging the program’s legality.

U.S. Justice Dept. takes surprising action with church plan to feed the hungry
The Department of Justice has issued a statement of interest in a fight going on in Oregon between a church whose members want to give food to their community members and a city that wants to restrict that activity.

Palestinian Solidarity or Western Civilization’s Undoing: The Real Agenda of Pro-Hamas Rallies
Disguised as a call for Palestinian solidarity, the ‘National March’ on Ottawa unveils a more insidious agenda, representing the unsettling initiation of the unraveling of Western civilization and a calculated assault on its core values.

Hustling in the Name of Jihad: Hamas’ Billionaires are Following the Example of Prophet Muhammad
Hamas leaders live luxuriously funded by oppressive measures and exploiting aid, starkly contrasting with Gaza’s poverty, justifying their wealth like Prophet Muhammad, all while prioritizing personal gain over the welfare of their populace.

New South American President Orders End to Drug Decriminalization Experiment: ‘A Whole Generation of Addicted Children’
American liberals have been getting some bad news lately from Latin America. Not only did last week see the election of a libertarian fan of former President Donald Trump to the presidency of Argentina, another new South American leader much closer to the border just overturned a policy in his own country that U.S. leftists have been pushing for years.

Pope Red Francis Goes from Meeting with Transgender Sex Workers in the Vatican to Accusing Jews of Terrorism
Pope Red Francis went from holding a transgender rally at the Vatican to targeting Jews.  This man does not represent Catholics.

French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists” and complementary and alternative medicine in draft bill to combat sects
In mid-November, the French Senate reviewed a draft law that aims to crush dissent using hefty fines of up to EUR 15,000 and threat of jail time.  Anyone daring to criticise medical treatments could fall foul of this law.  Considering the “covid vaccines are safe and effective” false narrative propagated by the government, this law is nothing short of outrageous.

The post 28 Nov 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.