29 Feb 2024

Hamas leader Sinwar reportedly satisfied with course of war, confident civilian deaths will force stop
Despite Israel’s steady progress over four months of fighting in the Gaza Strip, the leader of the terror organization Hamas in the enclave, Yahya Sinwar, is still confident that his group will win the war, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. The fighters of the al-Qassam brigades, Hamas’ military arm, are doing just fine and were prepared to face Israel’s expected ground offensive into the southern Gaza city of Rafah, the message said.

IDF approves new Jewish community in Judea
The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday gave its approval for the establishment of a new Jewish community in Judea, Mishmar Yehuda, located near Kedar in northeastern Gush Etzion. OC IDF Central Command Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox signed the paperwork setting the boundaries of the town on Tuesday night. “This is an enormous gift for the residents of Gush Etzion,”

Ex-Foreign Minister: ‘Give up on Saudi normalization if price is a PA state’
“The United States is a great friend of Israel and we have seen this throughout the war. At the same time, even among friends, there are also different opinions. The Biden administration believes in the two-state solution, and we tell them, especially after October 7, that a Palestinian state will not be established. Just as no one thought of giving a state to Al Qaeda after September 11, it is impossible to offer a state to the Palestinians after October 7.

Reuters, AP sued by Nova festival victims’ families
Families of Nova festival victims filed a lawsuit against Reuters and AP: “Those journalists infiltrated Israeli territory alongside Hamas operatives. Nothing can justify someone documenting a heinous crime in real time.” Five families whose children were murdered at the Nova party on October 7th, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday at the Jerusalem District Court against the Reuters and AP news agencies,

Explosions rock Damascus in apparent Israeli airstrike
Explosions were heard in and around the Syrian capital city of Damascus Wednesday night, following an apparent Israeli airstrike. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the explosions were heard in Damascus and Rif Dimash, and resulted both from missiles launched by Israeli aircraft and from Syrian anti-air missiles.

Hamas won’t be part of new Palestinian Authority government, says PA foreign minister
While Shtayyeh said that the new PA government would seek to form a government with the Hamas, Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki told a press conference at the sidelines of the 55th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva Wednesday that Hamas cannot be part of the new “technocratic” government which will be formed.

Can scientists predict the pre-Gog and Magog earthquake?
The Israeli government has become increasingly concerned about catastrophic earthquakes. In 2019, Israel’s EEW system (Earthquake Early Warning) went active. It should also be noted that massive earthquakes in Israel are also part of the prophesied end-of-days. These earthquakes will be so severe as to cause geographic changes in the Temple Mount, requiring the construction of an entirely new city.

The US pro-Hamas fifth column intends to kill people
when I read that a man named Aaron Bushnell had committed suicide by setting himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington while shrieking, “Free Palestine.” I was neither shocked nor surprised by the news. It was inevitable from the moment the pro-Hamas fifth column in the United States began its pro-terror campaign. The instant the genocidists took to the streets, it was obvious that behind all the screaming and slogans was nothing more than an inchoate murderous rage.

Exploring Goliath’s city: Archaeologists shine new light on Philistine religious rituals
During a recent digging operation within the temple precincts of the lower city of Gath, a group from Bar-Ilan University, under the guidance of Professors Aren Maeir (archaeology) and Ehud Weiss (expert in archaeobotany), has managed to research and restore the flora associated with Philistine ceremonial practices. Distinguishing Philistine archaeological sites from those of the Canaanites and Israelites is relatively straightforward. Pigs’ bones are ubiquitous, pottery styles differ distinctly, and the names inscribed in epigraphy are non-local, especially in the early stages of their presence in the Levant. Furthermore, modern archaeologists can now distinguish Philistine ancient DNA from that of other ancient peoples in the region.

War Cabinet revokes Ben Gvir’s authority over Temple Mount during Ramadan to prevent escalation
Israel’s War Cabinet decided to revoke the authority of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir to limit the entry to the Temple Mount during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan to prevent the escalation of tensions there, … The national security minister reacted with outrage to the reports and demanded the prime minister to deny them in a post on X.

Justice Alito slams dismissal of Christian jurors as unfit to hear lesbian’s lawsuit
Alito warned that the case ‘exemplifies the danger’ he foresaw in Obergefell v. Hodges, that the government will persecute Americans who oppose homosexuality as ‘bigots.’ The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take a case out of Missouri in which jurors were barred from hearing a case involving a lesbian plaintiff due to their Christian beliefs on homosexuality, which Justice Samuel Alito called a realization of what he warned would happen after forcing same-sex “marriage” on America.

BREAKING: Mitch McConnell announces resignation as Senate Republican leader
The 82-year-old Kentucky Republican, who has held his Senate seat since 1985 and his party leadership position since 2015, added that he intends to serve out the remainder of his term as a mere senator, which lasts until January 2027, and that the decision was unrelated to his health. Last year, he suffered a concussion and later froze during a pair of public speaking moments, but doctors found no evidence of stroke or seizure.

Smokehouse Creek Fire rapidly grows to second-largest wildfire in history of Texas
The Smokehouse Creek Fire started on February 26, 2024, in Hutchinson County, Texas, amidst adverse weather conditions, and has rapidly grown over the next 2 days to the second-largest wildfire in the state’s history. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared a disaster in 60 counties in response to the wildfire, which has only been 3% contained.

Series of devastating wildfires hit Texas Panhandle, causing evacuations, temporary closure of critical nuclear weapons facility, U.S. 
A series of out-of-control wildfires swept through the Texas Panhandle on February 27 and 28, 2024, prompting tens of thousands of residents to evacuate, causing widespread power outages, and forcing the temporary shutdown of the Pantex Plant, a critical nuclear weapons facility. The disaster, affecting numerous homes and prompting a disaster declaration in 60 counties, saw the Smokehouse Creek Fire rapidly grow to Texas’ 2nd largest wildfire in history.

Tens of thousands in Victoria urged to evacuate due to catastrophic fire danger, Australia
With catastrophic fire ratings in Victoria’s Wimmera region and temperatures forecast to reach 45 °C (113 °F), tens of thousands are urged to evacuate amid escalating bushfire threats.

School boards are silencing parents who object to pornographic materials in their child’s education 
In February 2023, a father had his mic cut off at a school board meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, for attempting to read aloud from a sexually explicit book that was available to students. 

“Who Could Be Next”: Top Canadian Pension Fund Sells Manhattan Office Tower For $1, Sparking Firesale Panic
Industry watchers see such shocking liquidations as an ominous sign for the market.

Alberta town narrowly passes bylaw to ban ‘pride’ flags, crosswalks on public infrastructure
An Alberta town is set to ban “pride” crosswalks and flags on public buildings and roads following a petition from residents.

Defense Minister Gallant warns: Iran wants to turn Ramadan into another Oct. 7, set fire to West Bank 
Israel is entering a dangerous phase and must exercise the utmost caution during the upcoming Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned on Tuesday.

The Rapture: Perhaps The Most Important Piece Of Prophecy For Us To Understand 
The Rapture is perhaps the most important piece of prophecy for us to understand since it could very well impact us personally. This [article] will help you examine what the Rapture is, defend it biblically, and explain its personal and practical importance.

Media Blackout: 67 ‘Prominent’ Muslims in Minnesota Arrested in Biggest U.S. Pandemic-Era Fraud Scheme, Many Attempt to Flee to Islamic Countries Amid $250 Million Scandal 
Scores of prominent Islamic migrant figures, most with deep ties to the Democratic Party and including donors to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s reelection campaign, alongside a celebrated left-wing journalist, business owners, and government workers, stand accused of wire fraud, money laundering, bribery, and conspiracy to commit those crimes. They allegedly funneled millions of federal dollars, earmarked for feeding underprivileged children, into personal luxuries, ranging from lavish homes and high-end cars to even a beach resort in Kenya.

Singer Charlotte Church Leads Choir, Including Children, in Genocidal Song Calling for Eradication of Israel
Welsh musician and actor Charlotte Church, 38, appeared at a “Sing for Palestine” event in South Wales on Saturday and led a choir of about 100 people, which included children, in singing a protest chant calling for the destruction and eradication of Israel.

UK medicines regulator puts patients at serious risk, MPs say
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (“APPG”) on pandemic response and recovery, an influential group of Members of Parliament (“MPs”), has raised “serious patient safety concerns.” It has claimed that “far from protecting patients,” the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”) operates in a way that “puts them at serious risk.”

Covid vaccine mandates for police and ambulance workers were unlawful, an Australian court has found
In a landmark decision, the Queensland Supreme Court ruled yesterday that covid vaccine mandates for police officers and paramedics were unlawful. “This decision by the Queensland Supreme Court makes it paramount we have a Royal Commission into the Covid-19 pandemic,” Senator Pauline Hanson said.

Andrew Bridgen’s defamation suit against Midazolam Matt has its first hearing on Friday
In May last year, Andrew Bridgen, the Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, announced he was suing Matt Hancock for defamation. Yesterday, he tweeted that his legal claim against Matt Hancock will have its first public hearing on Friday.

The post 29 Feb 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.