3 Mar 2025
In the Days of Apostasy and Doctrines of Demons
First, some good news: Trump’s First Cabinet Meeting Opens in Prayer, ‘Blessed Is the Nation Whose God Is the Lord.’ Housing and Urban Development Secretary Scott Turner asked God to bless the nation. Turner formerly served as an associate pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, where Jack Graham is senior pastor. During Trump’s first term, Turner was executive director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. On social media, Turner called it the “honor of a lifetime” to be able to open the meeting in prayer.
Pastor Claims Calling Jesus ‘The Savior’ Is A ‘Stumbling Block’ To Church Attendance. A United Church of Christ “minister” in LA (who refers to her sermon as “heretical,” so at least she admits it!) preached: “Well, do I think that [the resurrection] could have happened and did happen? I believe so . . . I feel it probably did. But if I’m to be scientific or realistic, I don’t know. And I say that because there’s no “proof.” Did it really happen? . . . Did Jesus really raise from the dead? I don’t know.”
Globalism Does Not Leave Room For The Christian Faith In Public Life. Globalism envisages a world governed by a conglomerate of world leaders under a single political and legal entity, which also asserts a uniform ethical morality upon people. In such secularist globalist utopias, the state takes the place of God, and obedience (or maybe we could say worship) of the state is the key to utopia. Therefore, it is justified for the greater good to utilize the power of the state, both political and militarily, to reach this end. Such globalist pretensions have been infiltrating Western civilization for hundreds of years.
Evils of Islam:
Islamic Center of Frisco Exposed: How a Texas Mosque is Illegally Abusing Tax-Exempt Status for Political Influence (Video). The Islamic Center of Frisco is openly defying federal law, using its tax-exempt status to push an Islamic political agenda, expand Sharia governance, and transform Frisco into a Muslim stronghold—all while authorities turn a blind eye. Frisco is part of the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex.
‘A miracle’ – Divine providence behind failure of Tel Aviv bus bombing attack. An Arab journalist took aim at the Palestinian Authority after a botched bomb attack in Tel Aviv destroyed three buses, following Israel’s decision to permit Arab workers from Judea and Samaria into Israel. A cell of Palestinian Arab terrorists operating in the Tel Aviv area planted explosives on five empty buses – but got AM confused with PM when programming the bombs. “And to think, Israel agreed to the Palestinian Authority’s request to allow their workers into Tel Aviv. This is how some of them repaid that trust,” Taha tweeted. “When God chooses to protect you, He bends time itself, turning AM into PM,” Taha continued.
Pervasive Perversion
Over 100 intelligence officers across 15 agencies to be fired for brazen conduct – for participating in sexually explicit conversations on a government chat tool that is only supposed to be used by employees to discuss “sensitive security matters.”
And the Abortion Abomination
Rand Paul reintroduces bill to permanently defund Planned Parenthood. Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul reintroduced legislation to permanently cut off federal tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, excluding the abortion chain from public funding regardless of whatever else happens with federal abortion policy.
Iniquity Shall Abound
Two Teen Girls Arrested for Plotting Mass Casualty Attack on High School in Houston, Texas.
Shocking Examples of How Completely and Utterly Lawless Our Society Has Become. Nobody can deny that the moral decay of America is accelerating, and unless we reverse course and choose another direction, conditions will continue to get even worse. The following are 11 shocking examples of how completely and utterly lawless our society has become…
Moral Sickness And Depravity Is A Problem That No President, Legislature, Or Law Can Solve. Domestically, a number of issues demand his attention and action, from the border to the economy to energy policy and the judiciary. However, there is one area that no president has control over, one that concerns me as a Christian more than any other political, legal or territorial matter. That’s the ever-growing moral decadence that seems to have gripped so much of our nation, especially among young people.
Plague, Pestilence, and Plandemics
Tuberculosis Outbreaks Emerge As Illegals Pose Biosecurity Threat For Nation. “Alarm bells are sounding over the biosecurity threat posed by the illegal alien invasion as concerns mount over the spread of infectious diseases across the Homeland. Millions of migrants were dumped into the country by the Biden-Harris globalist regime without proper vetting—leaving citizens to bear the burden of what a retired CIA officer describes as the “public health consequences of Biden-era open border policies.”
Weather Events
Severe thunderstorms forecast to impact Great Plains, Ohio Valley, and Southeast US next week – by late Tuesday, March 4, bringing a risk of strong tornadoes, hail, and damaging winds.
Severe floods leave at least 26 (update 39) dead in Helmand and Farah, Afghanistan as of February 26.
Cyclone Garance swept through the French Indian Ocean territory of Reunion with gusts of up to 234km/h (145mph). The tropical cyclone left three people dead, more than 180,000 homes without power, and 170,000 without running water after making landfall on Feb.28.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
World War III Is Still On The Table: Europe Wants Boots On The Ground In Ukraine. In the lead-up to the 2024 presidential elections in the US, the Biden regime, in collusion with UK, European, and Ukrainian partners, devised a plan to “Trump Proof” the war in Ukraine. In other words, they openly admitted they wanted to prevent Trump from taking any actions that might force an end to the war and render a serious peace agreement. The globalists wanted to create a catastrophe, blamed on the preponderance of nation-states that they could use to erase all borders and completely reshape the world. So far, they have not achieved this goal, but it’s not from a lack of trying.
Israel’s Outgoing Military Chief Warns of Potential Threat From Egypt Amid Rising Tensions
Israel’s outgoing military chief has warned that Egypt’s expanding military capabilities could pose an unexpected threat to Israel in the future despite their decades-old peace treaty. “We are very concerned about this,” he said, referring to Egypt’s military buildup.
Israel Won’t Allow HTS Forces in Southern Syria, Netanyahu Says. Israel said it won’t tolerate the presence of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in southern Syria, nor any other forces affiliated with the country’s new rulers, and demanded the territory be demilitarized. PM Netanyahu said Israel will keep its positions there as a defensive measure and for as long as is necessary.
TWO FRONTS: Israel Pushes Deeper Into Syria While Preparing to Destroy Hamas. Defense Minister Katz says, “If we are forced to return to fighting, the enemy will face the IDF with power it has never known before…. The fighting will end with…defeat of Hamas and the release of all our hostages.” Also, Katz says Israel’s eyes are looking at the entire Middle East, “especially toward Syria.” “We have committed that we will not be able to return to the reality of October 7. There is a new policy in southern Syria. The IDF will not allow hostile forces to base themselves in the security zone in southern Syria, from here to the Suwayda-Damascus route, and we will act against any threat.”
Is The Stage Being Set for Damascus to Be Destroyed and Turned into a Heap of Ruins? The Sunni radicals that have taken over Syria are demanding that all Israeli forces leave Syrian territory. On the other side, the IDF is hammering military targets in southern Syria with a blistering wave of airstrikes. Israeli PM Netanyahu insists that any military forces aligned with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham will not be allowed south of Damascus.
IAEA reports Iran has enough uranium for 6 nuclear bombs. The International Atomic Energy Agency published reports, revealing that Iran currently holds 274.8 kilograms (606 pounds) of enriched uranium. The implication is that Iran can now produce two more bombs than before, up from four.
One-World Government: Surveillance and Control
6G: Preview of the Global System Described In Prophecy. Bible prophecy tells us a global system of control will rise before Christ’s return. Scripture speaks of a time when a one-world government, economy, and religion demand allegiance to the Antichrist’s rule (Revelation 13:16-17). Technology like 6G sets the stage for this reality. What we are seeing now must be set into place and be available then.
Two-State Delusion
Current UN Agenda for Israel and Jerusalem. The purpose of the upcoming UN Conference on ‘Palestine,’ set for June 2-4, is to set in motion a two-state solution to resolve the Middle East conflict. The member nations hope to impose their seven or ten-year peace accord upon Israel during the UN’s celebration of its 80th birthday this coming September. While the upcoming meetings at the UN point us in the direction of Daniel’s seventieth week, they don’t quite get us there… yet. President Trump opposes the UN’s peace plan, and so does PM Netanyahu.
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