31 Aug 2023

Hurricane Franklin maintains Category 2 strength with dangerous impacts along Eastern Seaboard
Hurricane Franklin is holding at Category 2 strength Wednesday as it churns far off the East Coast, but it is still unleashing life-threatening surf and rip currents along the Eastern Seaboard that will last for several days.

Idalia’s wrath continues across Southeast with flooding in Charleston following historic Florida landfall
After Hurricane Idalia made its unprecedented landfall along Florida’s Gulf Coast, Idalia continues its trek as a tropical storm into Georgia and the Carolinas, blasting destructive winds, and catastrophic storm surge and flash flooding as power outages climbed to over 600,000 utility customlers.

Category 3 Hurricane “Idalia” strikes Florida’s Big Bend with destructive winds and storm surge 
Hurricane “Idalia” intensified from Category 1 to Category 4 in just 24 hours and made landfall shortly before 08:00 EDT (12:00 UTC) on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, near Keaton Beach in Florida’s Big Bend. The hurricane officially hit as a Category 3 storm with winds reaching 200 km/h (125 mph).

A Draconian New Law Went Into Effect On August 25th That Institutes Extreme Censorship Of The Internet On A Global Basis
The Internet just changed forever, but most people living in the United States don’t even realize what just happened.  A draconian new law known as the “Digital Services Act” went into effect in the European Union on Friday, and it establishes an extremely strict regime of Internet censorship that is far more authoritarian than anything we have ever seen before.

Senior Jesuit priest and close friend of Pope Francis accuses Jesus of being ‘stymied and callous’ 
A close papal confidant and editor of an influential Jesuit publication has published a Gospel commentary described as “blasphemous” due to its description of Jesus Christ as “stymied and callous.”

Multiple Florida Counties Back Resolution to Ban Covid Shots
A resolution to ban Covid shots and other mRNA vaccines is gaining widespread support from multiple counties in Florida. The movement seeks to pressure Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis to ban the injection from being sold or administered across the state.

Tory councillor arrested for ‘hate crime’ after sharing video criticising police
A Conservative councillor was arrested for an alleged hate crime after re-tweeting a video criticising how the police treated a Christian street preacher.

Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again condemned the rise of “globalism,” stating that it prepares humanity “for the political rise of the Antichrist.”

First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal
In light of a court case launched by a group of doctors challenging the Queensland government’s COVID-19 vaccination mandates, records have revealed that the first deaths in the Australian state were individuals who were fully vaccinated.

Sweden: Police Again Admit Inability to Protect Citizens from Migrants, This Time Urging Residents to Alter Clothing
In what has become a recurring pattern, Swedish police once again issue warnings to residents, harkening back to recent advisories cautioning women against walking alone at night due to a surge in violent sexual attacks, underscoring the ongoing challenges of migrant-related crime.

Carbon literacy training is another nail in the coffin for free speech in UK workplaces

Free Speech Union (“FSU”) is concerned that “carbon literacy training” will have a chilling effect on free speech in the workplace in the same way that unconscious bias training and anti-racism training does, with employees reluctant to challenge the ideas behind it for fear of jeopardising their careers.

A new study shows covid injections cause VAIDS in children
…The study aimed to investigate the effects on the functioning of children’s immune systems after being injected with Pfizer’s covid “vaccines.”  It found that covid-vaccinated children had decreased immune system responses to a variety of commonly encountered pathogens 28 days after the second dose.

James Delingpole: How red-pilled arbiters of truth discredit our cause 
“I call them the ‘purple-pilled’ because though they’ve taken the red pill more or less they still want to keep one foot in the blue-pilled camp for old times’ sake,” James Delingpole writes.

‘We were ordered to “Euthanise” Patients to falsely increase COVID Death Counts while Hospitals were Empty’ claims Whistleblowing NHS Doctor
…The whistleblower also confirmed that the little care given throughout the pandemic amounted to negligence and that the government and NHS bosses essentially instructed staff to let people die, or in some cases kill them through the ‘End of Life Care’ programme and falsely label the deaths as being due to Covid-19.

The post 31 Aug 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.