6 Nov 2023

WORLD WAR III WATCH: One of US Navy’s Largest Submarines Armed with Nuclear Missiles Arrives in the Middle East 
In a move that has ratcheted up tensions in an already precarious region, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed the arrival of one of its Ohio-class submarines in its area of responsibility (AOR).

Under a Blood-Red Sky: Geomagnetic Storm Causes Intense Auroras in Northern American and European Regions – Sky Explodes in Crimson over Russia and Ukraine
As above, so below – the old hermetic adage seems to be at play these days. It turns out that Residents of Crimea, Donetsk, Rostov, and Voronezh regions experienced rare sightings of the Northern Lights, following the onset of a strong magnetic storm. Additionally, a red glow was only visible in Kiev and other cities in Ukraine.

216 million Americans feeling fall warmth with dozens of record-high temperatures expected this week
More than 215 million Americans across the U.S. will be feeling above-average temperatures as we start the workweek, a far cry from last week when an arctic blast sent temperatures tumbling from coast to coast.

Oregon under rare threat of severe weather, tornadoes
While much of the nation is basking in a mild, tranquil weekend, forecasters are busy in the Pacific Northwest with an autumn storm that is bringing a rare risk of severe weather to the Oregon coast, with even a small risk of weak tornadoes.

Target CEO falsely claims company did NOT team up with Satanist designer, sell Pride merch for kids
…Target teamed up with trans-promoting fashion brand AB Prallen which advocates for Satan. They even had Pride merch for newborns, and “packing underwear” that girls could stuff with fake flaccid phalluses to look like they were, well, packing.

Oklahoma City’s Ordinance Will Fine People for Feeding Meals to the Homeless Without a Permit
A new ordinance in Shawnee, Oklahoma, will fine good samaritans for giving meals to homeless people — unless they have a permit. Any person handing out food without a permit will be fined $250 for a first offense and $500 for subsequent offenses.

APOCALYPTIC! Joe Biden’s Intentional Destruction of America: Cartels Cut Holes Through Border Wall, Hundreds of Illegals from Africa and Syria Rush In
We are now witnessing Joe Biden’s intentional destruction of America on a daily basis . No country in history can survive with open borders and the annual invasion of millions of unknown and undocumented aliens invading their country.

It Appears That We Have A Major Problem With The Banks
In recent weeks there have been numerous high profile bank “glitches”, accounts are being shut down without warning at a staggering rate all over the nation, and more institutions continue to get into very serious financial trouble.  For a while, I was ignoring some of these reports because I thought they were isolated issues.  But when you step back and take a bigger picture view of things, it really does appear that we have a major problem with the banks.

Deleted German News Report Exposes Massive Taxpayer-Funded Benefits for Islamic Migrants Who Do Not Feel Like Working 
“We didn’t work as craftsmen in our homeland. We have no experience and no desire. We also have too much to do at home. We still need time to spend with our children.”

India: Muslim Influencer Calls for the Genocide of His Hindu Countrymen, Hopes They Are Slaughtered Like the ‘Jews and Israeli Dogs’
Arif Nashriyaat is known for indoctrinating his Muslim audience to pick up weapons for the cause of jihad and kill all non-Muslim citizens living in India, which includes millions of Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs.

Hamas Terrorists Committing War Crimes By Using Ambulances In Gaza
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck an ambulance inside Gaza late this week after discovering that it was being used to transport Hamas terrorists on the battlefield, which is a violation of the international rules of war.

Queers for Palestine: Identity Politics at Its Most Absurd
…“Queers for Palestine” attempts to meld LGBT advocacy with Palestinian liberation, a juxtaposition that has precipitated a whirlwind of criticism and ridicule, since LGBT rights scarcely exist within the Muslim world; and the Palestinian territories are no exception. The slogan has been widely satirized. Variations like “Chickens for KFC” and “Blacks for the KKK” highlight its proponents’ basic lack of awareness of just how incompatible the values of the Western left are with those of the Islamic right they so readily champion.

God Is Taking Note Of Individuals And Nations Who Are Cursing His People
In our current social and political paradigm, people tend to see things two dimensionally – usually to the left or to the right. Of course, as current trends bear witness to, this is causing a great deal of social and political friction, which often spills over into violence. Sometimes this is agitated by nefarious forces who have a deeper agenda and sometimes it occurs organically, aided by a spiritual enemy who hates mankind, who hates the Jews and who hates God. The latest trigger point for demonically inspired violence against Jews is the war that Israel is conducting against Hamas and Hezbollah.

Dr. McCullough Reveals More Bad News About the COVID Jabs
“We’re seeing a disturbing continued trend of cardiac arrests in people who have taken the vaccine,” reported world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough to Real America’s Voice Friday. “Now we have data from Nakahara in a human cardiac PET study showing that positron emission tomography scans of the heart change in almost everybody who took the shot, at least for six months or longer, where the heart’s metabolism changes.”

WATCH: NBC Airs Weird Segment Trying to Argue That Being Pro-Abortion is a Conservative Position
Friday’s edition of NBC Nightly News interviewed three Republicans who were arguing that being pro-abortion is actually a conservative position.

Britain’s Policy of Deceit – It’s Time To Set The Record Straight
Israeli-Palestinian conflict was made in Britain. During the First World War, contradictory promises were made to Jewish and Arab leaders that have led to a hundred years of hostility and an intractable political stalemate today.

Students Protest Drag Show Planned At Notre Dame
Students at the University of Notre Dame are protesting a drag queen event that the school administrators are in support of. The students are the smart ones here. It is ridiculous that the staff of a Catholic college would support that kind of immorality on their campus.

Government confirms Shocking Mortality Rates per 100k among Quadruple Vaccinated compared to Unvaccinated as CIA, Pentagon & Rockefeller Foundation revealed as Masterminds behind Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Forecast 
…And current real-world data on deaths in the West which includes figures on mortality rates per 100,000 showing the quadruple-vaccinated are more likely to die of any cause than the unvaccinated, strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination.

The post 6 Nov 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.