Why i started this blog I’m a former atheist of…

Why i started this blog I’m a former atheist of…

I started a Christian/Christian Apologetics blog a few days ago…I was a lifelong atheist before coming to Jesus Christ. Being a lifelong and very recent atheist (3 years ago)…I kind of understand what makes them tick. Also how they view Christians in a general discourse situation. One of the things that make atheists steer clear of Christianity is when they hear “Because it’s in the Bible”…”Or you just gotta have faith.” I’m starting this blog to try to spread biblical truth and bring Non-Christians to Jesus Christ. Just as important though…is to help Christians defend their faith. Trying to do it in a Biblical manner that’s glorifying to Christ. I want to be critiqued in my approach by fellow Christians as well…see if I could word things differently etc. I’ve only been a Christian for three years…i have tons to learn from people who have been Christians their entire lives. This group seems like the kind of folks who would really engage this kind of blog. I wrote a very detailed testimony to catch people up to speed on how I discovered Jesus Christ and how he changed my life completely from a very bad place. It’s fun to finally be in a group of like minded people. Wish I would’ve joined this group a long time ago. Let me know what you think about it. Good, bad, or indifferent…thanks.


Why i started this blog I’m a former atheist of 35 years who’s just recently discovered and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My ultimate goal of starting this blog is very s…

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