ourCOG TAKEOVER (A Decade Later): The BETA
ourCOG.org was launched on 18 October, 2010 at 06:08 AM
Travis Johnson: Hopefully, we can get the beta site door closed before everyone gets in. If it launches before bugs get worked out, that would be a problem for people’s experience on the platform.
It’s good. And, it’s bigger than just a url. Think interacting with COG people and denominational leaders on any piece of COG generated content (Faith News, ourcog.com, evangel articles, and end-user content etc…). Couple that with content like disclosed budgets (like you are doing now) and what you have isn’t only a social media platform. But, it’s a posture of openness and engagement.
Give it a little time to test out the bugs, which is what happens in every beta test…and the doors open on 1/3/13. While the platform is beautiful and easy to navigate…and new/fresh, it certainly won’t replace Actscelerate or twitter or other blogs and platforms. It is a beautiful piece of real estate that will enhance community, share information, and offer exceptional opportunities to engage.
As someone who has been on the bleeding edge of online social interaction (even when frowned upon by the COG), I’d just ask to give it a chance. I really have no need to try to pimp a corporate message for the sake of making the denominational structure of the COG simply appear better. But, I do believe that this is going to be beneficial. AND, the leaders (all 5 members of the Executive Committee and the communications guys in Cleveland) are engaging with us honestly, openly, and on the same footing as you and me. That is beautiful!
ourCOG SOCIAL MEDIA: FULL Twitter Archive for the First 5 Years (More to come soon..)
2010 #ourCOG Full Twitter Archive
2011 #ourCOG Full Twitter Archive
2012 #ourCOG Full Twitter Archive
2013 #ourCOG Full Twitter Archive
2014 #ourCOG Full Twitter Archive
2015 #ourCOG Full Twitter Archive