Inside The Criminal Mind :: By The Gospelist
The most accurate assessment of the criminal personality was offered in 1984 when a book was published that flew in the face of everything our intellectually corrupt universities had been teaching about criminality for the last several decades.
Stanton E. Samenow was a clinical psychologist in private practice who was a consultant and speaker and a member of President Reagan’s Task Force on Victims of Crime. He co-authored the three-volume study The Criminal Personality with Dr. Samuel Yochelson.
In his book Inside the Criminal Mind, Samenow debunked the following myths that passed for ‘science’ in the minds of our deluded academics:
- Criminals don’t know right from wrong (or lack the ability to empathize).
- Criminals are hapless victims of oppressive social conditions.
- Crime is contagious.
- Crimes of passion are cases of temporary insanity.
- People turn into criminals because they were rejected by society.
- Watching violent television programs brings out violent behavior in children.
Only a decade earlier, Robert Martinson did an extensive experiment with juvenile delinquents to determine if rehabilitation and treatment were effective in changing their behavior. In his published findings, “What Works? Questions and Answers about Prison Reform,” he found that “nothing works.”
There was no program or intervention that was effective in preventing a criminal from continuing to commit crime once out of ‘treatment.’
Martinson came under severe criticism for creating the “nothing works” doctrine, and his study has been dismissed as too extreme. He came under severe criticism, not because of faulty research, but because there is lots of money in rehabilitation.
There is no money in punishment.
Any time his research is referenced, there is a cacophony of howling liberals shouting their usual insults. They do this despite the fact that, to this day, nothing works to rehabilitate the criminal.
Well, one thing does work as far as society is concerned — punishment.
Punishment works by protecting the taxpayers and the law-abiding from dangerous people. When our governments, which we pay to protect us, have no interest in that, they have become corrupt.
Protecting citizens from criminals does not advance the agenda of corrupt governments.
Theorists have spent a lot of time trying to determine why someone violates the rights of others for their own benefit. They have come up with many misguided ideas as to why this is the case when, if you employ Occam’s razor, the answer is simple.
Criminals commit crime because they want to (a little Dan Bongino lingo there).
Those with a criminal mentality tend to believe that they are subject to no authority. They believe they can hurt someone, take advantage of him/her, and get away with it.
The motivation of every criminal is nothing more than that they are predators who see a weaker person and choose to exploit that person. The definition of a criminal is one who violates the law and the rights of others because it serves his purposes.
It does not matter if he has mental illness, such as schizophrenia, or if he is a drug addict. He is a criminal first; the other maladies only make him more dangerous and unpredictable.
In today’s society, especially in States run by the Godless Democrats, the criminals are almost always considered victims of an oppressive society. Nothing could be further from the truth. When criminals are ‘oppressed,’ it is because their behavior is destructive, and limits need to be placed upon them for the good of everyone.
Modern-day Democrats identify with criminals because they possess the same mentality. Both have no respect for the law, especially God’s moral law, and enjoy exercising power over someone who does not have the power to resist.
This is the communist mindset.
This was on display during the Daniel Penny trial. Daniel Penny is a hero and a law-abiding citizen who saw a dangerous criminal threatening innocent people. He then moved to do what the corrupt New York government refused to do; he neutralized the criminal so he could not harm the innocent.
It does not matter whether the criminal was suffering from schizophrenia, had a drug addiction, or was a great Michael Jackson impersonator; the government had the solemn duty to put him behind bars.
As it turns out, the real criminals in this case are the D.A., the prosecuting attorney, and the judge. They all simply saw an easy white victim, Daniel Penny, and decided to exploit him to push their social justice agenda.
George Floyd, a career criminal who died of a drug overdose, now has his own statue so he can be venerated. The officer who was protecting us from this predator now sits behind bars after a corrupt trial in a Democrat State.
Social justice is a demonic ‘narrative’ designed to undercut God’s moral law. Satan always provides an alternative to God’s will so that his people can also have a guiding principle that gives their lives meaning (ex. Creation vs. evolution, Capitalism vs. Marxism, etc.).
To put it in philosophical terms, it is like the Hegelian Dialectic process. God proclaims a truth, or a thesis, and Satan promotes a lie, or antithesis. It is the hope of Satan to produce an abomination, which is a synthesis between the two.
And this dialectical process continues until the antithesis becomes the thesis.
The fact is that the criminal, like the rest of us, possesses free will. He knows the difference between right and wrong and truth and falsehood; he simply prefers the former. If he is not held accountable for his destructive behavior, he will continue to engage in it.
What is scary is that we need elections to get rid of political criminals. And many judges who have a criminal mentality (sociopathy) have a lifetime appointment.
There are lots of people who grow up in poverty, are abused, are raised in a dysfunctional family, or face any number of terrible hardships. However, not all of them turn to crime to deal with the resulting emotional turmoil.
In fact, very few people who suffer physical and emotional hardship turn to crime.
So, when you see a gang of thieves engaging in wanton theft, or beating a helpless victim, prosecuting an innocent man, or engaging in gang rape, the explanation for this is simple. It is not due to racism or poverty or any other sociological explanation.
These people simply believed that they could abuse someone while satisfying their sick ideology and that they would not be held accountable for it.
Criminals know right from wrong. Instead of concerning themselves with such virtues as truth or righteousness, they have chosen to focus on another priority. They simply size up a situation to determine who they can exploit and take what they want without repercussions.
Criminals often blame rejection from parents or society as a reason for their criminal behavior. However, if you examine their past, you will find that they were always sneaky and defiant.
They deserved whatever rejection they received. The rejection did not cause them to alter their behavior, as it does with most people; they just grew more devious to fool the unwary.
When would-be miscreants are raised in a functional family, this does help to repress their natural instincts. All children need love, moral training, discipline, and age-appropriate autonomy. The probability of children who are properly parented turning to crime is very low.
However, when deviants grow up in a dysfunctional family, their destructive instincts are given free rein. The likelihood of them turning to crime rises exponentially.
The latest theory is that criminals suffer from poor brain development. Proponents of this theory claim that this deficit causes the criminal to act impulsively and, thus, he is incapable of controlling his behavior.
Many of us would have liked to have access to this nonsense before our fathers took the belt to us.
The fact is that our brains contain all the mechanics to function like an adult by about age twelve. The child just lacks experience. The brain may continue to grow with experience until he is about twenty-five, but he is still fully responsible for his behavior when he reaches adolescence.
Every child knows that he has an obligation to obey his parents and other legitimate authorities. He is taught this and fully understands it at a very young age. The criminal simply rejects any legitimate moral authority.
Some have blamed peer pressure as being responsible for crime. When a child acts out, parents will often claim that their child just “fell in with the wrong crowd.” The problem is, if the parents move to a new town, the child will most likely “fall in with the wrong crowd” again.
He likes the wrong crowd.
Lately, we have heard the propaganda that expelling kids from school causes crime. They tell us that the “School-to-prison pipeline” is a real occurrence and that no youth should be removed from school.
As one would expect, this causes turmoil in the classroom as out-of-control youth disrupt the learning environment. They also burn out teachers whose primary concern is dealing with misbehavior instead of teaching.
And when teachers are not supported by administration, whose hands are tied by poorly thought-out legislation, they start looking for a new line of work.
The fact is that these kids reject school long before it rejects them. As in all situations, these kids view the other youth and administration as tools to be used and manipulated.
And when they get sent to the school psychologist or counselor, he is just another dupe who has been miseducated in our universities and can be easily deceived.
He will usually walk out of these meetings with a candy bar.
We are then told that we cannot lock these people up because correctional institutions are “schools for crime.” We are led to believe that those who commit crimes are being turned into something they were not before when they were locked up.
Those in prison may expand their criminal associations and get smarter when they commit crime, but they are not turned into something they were not before.
When other youth see that the criminal is not punished for his behavior, many begin to question the authority of their parents. They see deviancy being rewarded and begin to engage in it themselves.
Prisons are not schools for crime; societies that do not punish bad behavior are schools for crime.
In the final analysis, criminals are criminals regardless of how oppressive or permissive the environment that they find themselves in. There is simply a certain group of people who have decided that exploiting others is superior to acting toward others in good faith.
It is the job of the government to ensure that their numbers do not grow to unsustainable levels.
As with most other subjects, practically everything that our universities teach about crime is false. This becomes even more depressing when we find that students get criminal justice degrees and are less educated than the average person with common sense.
Unfortunately, they bring the universities’ silly theories into the real world to the detriment of society. This is especially destructive when our State and Federal legislators take their theories seriously and codify them.
We do know that two things work when dealing with criminals:
- Incarceration
- Punishment
These two strategies have worked for the last six thousand years. They have protected law-abiding citizens from wicked people and have brought order to society.
That is why the evil Globalists, such as the Soros family, have installed shady prosecutors who punish the law-abiding and return dangerous criminals back to the streets. They are not doing this because they wish to see our civilization thrive; they want to cause discord and bring it down.
Instead of going to the university, if one wants to understand the criminal, one should just read his Bible.
As the old saying goes, “From evil doers come evil deeds” (I Samuel 24:13).
Unfortunately, God’s moral law is being replaced with the man-made evil of social justice. When this occurs, chaos erupts and anarchy ensues. People get victimized, and the criminal is not brought to justice.
And, increasingly, law-abiding citizens are seen as criminals by our corrupt governments.
Over the last four years, the Godless Democrats have shown us that they are willing to go so far as to incarcerate decent people while releasing dangerous criminals back to the streets. They are incapable of ‘building back better’ because they are, by God’s own definition, fools.
The Godless Democrats corrupt everything that they touch.
They claim that punishment does not work on the criminal but viciously employ it against their political opposition. The J-6 political prisoners are a testimony to that sad fact.
Pro-life Catholics, who are jailed for prayer, and parents opposing transgenderism being imposed on their kids, and being harassed by the FBI, are more examples.
The criminal is a person who lacks faith. His mind has been formed by the world, and he learns all its lessons to get all that he can out of it. He will use and abuse others and do so without conscience until he is held accountable.
That means the criminal must receive actual punishment, not simply come clean after being caught (read “Duke Lacrosse accuser”).
And, since most Western governments have grown sympathetic to the criminal’s point of view, because they share it, the problem is only going to get worse.
To change a criminal, the same process is necessary that brought us all from death to life. Rather than rehabilitation, which fails most of the time, there needs to be a spiritual renewal:
“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing or rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life” (Titus 3:5-6).
This is a great revelation, not only for criminals but for those who think that the criminal is a sympathetic character.
When criminals reject faith and spiritual renewal and refuse to repent, then the government should deal with them ruthlessly.
The Apostle Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit, insisted that every government established by God holds no terror for those who do right. It is to hold terror for those who do wrong.
It is to commend those who do right.
Those governments that refuse to uphold their duty to the law-abiding populace have not been established by God.
When a society becomes wicked and faithless and has no respect for God’s moral law, God often turns those people over to a government that rewards the wicked and terrorizes those who do right.
The governments of England, Canada, and Australia are case studies of this ugly fact.
Fortunately, God just gave the U.S. one last reprieve.
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