Be Good to Preachers
Also the right thigh you shall give to the priest as a heave offering from the sacrifices of your peace offerings.
__Leviticus 7:32
My dear VPGs,
You are the fourth generation of a family of preachers. I don’t know if the calling will pass on to any of you or not–that is up to God. But this I know: God wants you to be good to preachers.
The Bible is full of examples of God instructing his people to be intentional about generously providing for their ministers. When you’re good to a preacher you make God happy.
So here’s some advice:
- Always have someone who you call “Pastor”. This is God’s plan. Your pastor has veto power and directional power in your life to explain to you the will of God. When God gives you a pastor then be especially generous and kind to he and his family. Include them in your special events. Remember their birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and other special occasion. This is the will of God and brings down special blessings upon your life.
- Intentionally seek out other preachers and bless them. One of the humbling things about this stage of my life and ministry has been serving such dedicated ministers who serve their congregations and communities at great cost to themselves. They are unsung heroes who are often taken for granted. You identify them and bless them.
- Remember staff pastors–they’re preachers too. Give them high honor for saying “Yes” to God’s call.
- Support missionaries – they go for you. Honor them highly for this with sustained generosity.
- Support ministerial students. Every generation needs to hear the Gospel and needs the guiding touch of a God-called shepherd. Do your part in ensuring that the next generation of preachers are encouraged and supported financially as they begin their journey.
- Remember old preachers and their widows. I hesitate to use the word “retired” because in their hearts preachers never quit. Honor them, bless them, and acknowledge their contributions with your generosity.
As in any profession, there will be a few bad apples. Do your homework, invest in good soil, but whatever you do be good to preachers.
Include them in your budget, in your prayers, and on your Christmas card list (always include a check!) and at your table.
For this you can be sure, whenever a preacher shows up God is there.
Love always,
Your forever Papa
The ONE THING for today: When you’re good and generous to preachers you make God happy.