VOE - Magazine from Perry Stone Latest Resources
September 2011

Greetings from the Ministry Center! The most current volume of Voice of Evangelism, the ministry magazine has just left the printers and been mailed to all VOE subscribers and partners!
The main article and newest resources included in the publication can be viewed from the homepage of our main website. Partners may log into the partner website to view the magazine in it's entirety!
This publication allows us to stay in touch with those closely connected to the ministry. For more information on receiving the ministry magazine see the link provided in this newsletter! We've featured a few of the latest resources in this newsletter for your convenience. Thank you for allowing us to share this with you!
The Bondage Breakers - New Album by Perry
This 2 audio CD album includes 2 powerful messages recently preached live by Perry. The message titles include "Stuck in a Battle you Hate" (Disc 1) and "The Epidemic of a Broken Heart" (Disc 2).Wow! These 2 messages are a must! They are considered 2 favorites by staff members. Are you or someone you know in a battle or struggling with being hurt? Don't allow the enemy to keep you in bondage. This teaching will be instrumental to break the yoke of bondage off your life and set you free! CLICK HERE - Bondage Breakers
Can You Discern the Burn? - New Audio CD
When trials come in your life, are they self-invited or uninvited? Did they originate with God or Satan? What is the real purpose for the fire you are dealing with physically, spiritually, or mentally?
Because You Murmured in Your Tents - New Audio CD
In ancient Israel, the people would "murmur in their tents" in private and God heard their words and sent difficulties to teach them not to complain about their leadership and one another! Perry reveals the importance of what you say and how God will bless and judge you according to your words.
We thank you for your prayers and support of the ministry. What a blessing! Many share words of encouragement of how Manna-Fest and the preached word from the ministry brings revelation and illumination in their spiritual walk. Testimonials of salvation and deliverance and healing continue to come into the ministry and for this we give all glory to God! We are excited about what the Lord is doing. He remains forever faithful!
Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries A Ministry of OCI - Perry Stone 423-478-3456