Listen: If men do not write rules devised from scripture…
Listen: If men do not write rules devised from scripture declaring and defining holiness there will be no holiness.
The Church of God is a prime example. Drop the rules for a “loving liberty without rules” and call that holiness and we now see what will happen; what has happened.
The Church of God is now humpty dumpty and you can’t put it back together again. No amount of prayer and fasting will restore the church to a holiness it used to know.
The only salvation for the COG is women letting their hair grow, stop caking on the makeup and eye shadow, cover your arms, cleavage and knees. Wear your dresses to you calves and ankles. Dress cheaper and moderately. That will be a start!
Men, insist your wife and daughters dress as becoming holiness and that your sons chose among holiness girls for mates.
Live by the scriptures; study it for a domesticate foundation for work, home and play.