FROM A BOOK ENTITLED, "GOOD NEWS" published in 1886 and…

FROM A BOOK ENTITLED, "GOOD NEWS" published in 1886 and…

FROM A BOOK ENTITLED, “GOOD NEWS” published in 1886 and that comprised sermons of that great evangelist in the Methodist Church, the Rev. Sam Jones. Here is a quote from that book. “‘Do the work of an evangelist.’ Why, some of our strongest churches are opposed to evangelists. I have know some pastors that were opposed to revivals. Whenever a pastor tries his level best three or four times to get up a revival and cannot get one up, he’ll begin to preach against revivals and evangelists. Here we have turned his world over to preachers for eighteen hundred years preaching Christianity.” (End of quote) Brethren, the CoG was birth in revival. I have CoG sermons where preachers declare the Methodists use to have revivals, but no more. And if the CoG should ever stop having revivals, it too will go the way of the Methodist. In this day, how many CoG actually have one or two weeks of revival services each evening? The probability I am sure is rather low because many CoG no longer even have a Sunday evening evangelistic service. So how can we have a revival and get the people out each evening when we can’t even get them out for a Sunday night service? God help us.

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