A Call To Ethics by the COG

Posted on May 2, 2008 by tomsterbens
I have recently been researching some items in the Minutes of the Church of God General Assembly, years 2002-2006. I came across this from the 2002 General Assembly Minutes. The resolution is a really great document…sincerely. The modifications I made are NOT intended as satire or sarcasm…but represent my concern with the pointed pursuit of reestablishing credibility and trust among ourselves.
The strike through text is the original language in the resolution. The red underlined text are the substitutions I inserted.
Resolution on Ethics in the Marketplace
2002 – 69th Church of God General Assembly
WHEREAS; the frequency of corporate scandals are being highly publicized, and
WHEREAS there is the strong tendency in many businesses humanity toward short-term thinking, planning, and commitment which can lead to morally questionable decisions and practices; and
WHEREAS it is arguable that the long-term survival of even very large businessesorganizations with an extended history and legacy , such as the Church of God will depend increasingly on the permission of society continued support, involvement, and contributions of constituents rather than on short-term financial statistics; and
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