A new pastor came to the COG where my brother…

A new pastor came to the COG where my brother is active and on his second Sunday night he did something that I think was commendable. He pointed out that since school started the coming week that they should have special prayer for all those involved in the school system. He asked several brothers to come forward and asked each of them to pray for certain things. One was to pray for the students and their attitude and that they would truly want to learn the other was to pray for the teachers. A third brother was to pray for the school administration including the state and national level and lastly a brother was to pray for the safety of all involved and there would be no violence in the district.
This was a very different approach than the normal prayer time but it left a sweet spirit in the 60 or so present and made them feel like they had a part in something that was important to all of them.

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