“American Gospel: Christ Crucified” is available today to stream on…

“American Gospel: Christ Crucified” is available today to stream on…

“American Gospel: Christ Crucified” is available today to stream on iTunes/Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, etc. (http://www.americangospelfilm.com/watch-christ-crucified-ag2.html)

We’re also releasing a free chapter of the film (VII: “Cosmic Child Abuse”) which answers the following core objections to the doctrine of penal substitution:

1. The doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement “theory” turns the Father of Jesus into a pagan deity who can only be placated by the barbarism of child sacrifice! The cross is not a form of ‘cosmic child abuse’ -a vengeful father punishing his son for an offense he didn’t commit.

2. Why does God need to kill anybody in order to forgive? Why can’t God do what He asks us to be able to do- to freely forgive without demanding retribution first? As all theologians should know, the very concept of forgiveness is based on the ancient practice of releasing a debt rather than collecting it from someone else.

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