An Essential Four-letter Word
…Now while he was serving…when his division was on duty…
Luke 1:8
My dear Trinity,
How did you grow up so fast! It seems like just yesterday that you were the age of your sister and here you are almost grown and becoming more mature by the minute.
I’m so very proud of you!
Today I want to remind you of a very important “four-letter” word that I want you to use, and more importantly, practice. It has to do with maturity. Mature people do their duty.
Mature people do their duty.
Your little sister, Ruby, knows nothing of duty. For her it is all about play and fun and immediate gratification. Don’t you know!
She thinks the world revolves around her! But there will come a time that she will hopefully learn that to have a meaningful and fulfilling life it must become about others, and especially about God.
Mature people understand they have a duty to God and others (and even our planet).
That’s the stage you’re now moving into.
Ultimately, that duty has to do with you giving your best towards God’s purpose for your life. And this always involves others.
But here’s something remember, it is amazing what happens when a person spends a lifetime doing their duty.
We see this in the life of Zachariah in our bible verses for today (Luke 1:8-17). The passage begins by describing Zachariah, an old, old man, still doing his duty. And then one day an angel showed (image that!) and informed him that he and his wife’s dream was going to come true. A dream that they had given up on long ago.
That dream was to have a baby. (Just for the record, Nana and I no longer have that dream! Six virtually grandchildren is just fine.) And, miracle of miracles, because Zechariah was doing his duty—being at the right place at the right time—he and his wife received the unbelievable blessing of their dream coming true.
One of the many things I am proud of you is how you are so responsible. You’re doing great in school, working a job, and helping with the family responsibilities, involved in church and other activities. You are an amazing gal! Of course this doesn’t allow for a lot of “play time” and “me time” anymore, but don’t forget, just like your savings, duty compounds over the years into something amazing.
I can’t promise you that an angel will show up or that you will have a baby when you are old, but I can promise that a lifetime of doing your duty “as unto the Lord” will compound into amazing things.
Your Nana and I have experienced this first hand. I don’t suppose you’d call it “playing” but we are certainly having a lot of fun. To get to this stage in our life hasn’t always been easy, and there are challenges to this day, but the compounding effect of faithfully doing our duty as unto the Lord has produced a wonderful life. No regrets for Nana and me, and you’ll not regret it either.
Here’s my advice: Run your flag up and announce to the world, “I’m on duty!”
Maybe not today, or next year, but one day – I promise – you’ll be glad you did.
Love always, papa
Prayer: Father God, please give Trinity the courage and character and patience to do her duty – to work hard, keep her word, follow through and give her best. And Father God, be with her and strengthen her and reward her richly. For the glory of your Son: Jesus Christ, amen.