Another Amyraut Follower, Andrew Fuller

Andrew Fuller was born on February 5, 1754 in Wicken, Cambridgeshire, England. He was the son of poor Baptist farmers. Because Fuller ministered during the same era as George Whitefield and the Wesley brothers it would be easy for his name to get lost in their giant shadows. He pastored two congregations during his life at Soham (1775-1782) and at Kettering (1782-1806). Christianity in England was in a generally depressed condition at the time to which Fuller was born. Particular Baptists had fallen into a hyper-Calvinism that denied the need to evangelize the lost or even to offer salvation to anyone.

“The basic issue at stake with Fullerism is the atoning work of Jesus Christ. For Christ to be properly glorified, His redemptive work must be properly taught and understood. Fuller was not an Arminian. He strongly believed in the doctrine of election, advocating that God chose a certain and particular people to salvation. We do not take issue with his view on election, but Fuller’s view of the atonement is the cause for concern. Fuller believed that the atonement of Christ was sufficient for the entire human race, but was applied efficaciously only to the elect. Fuller, in his own words declares, “There is such a fullness in the satisfaction of Christ, as is sufficient for the salvation of the whole world, were the whole world to believe in Him.” Fuller contended that Christ died for sin, in general. Thus, His death is applied to those who believe on Him. “. . .
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