As if it is Only You Text: Rev. 20:10-15 We…

As if it is Only You
Text: Rev. 20:10-15
We see the passion that humanity is putting on the coronal virus pandemic, a mere Earthly, temporal pain. Here comes a poem expressing the horrors of Hell Fire, an Eternity, permanent pain

The fire, smoke, heat and burnings in Hell will be so severe
That it’ll be as if it’s only you
For the severity of those horrors when they’ll be fully unleashed
Will become very high above the bearing of any soul
That one will not know that there’s another soul therein

The darkness, fear and terror in Hell will be so devastating
That it’ll be as if it’s only you
For the devastations in those calamities when they’ll be fully released
Will become very high above the bearing of any soul
That one will not know that there’s another soul therein

The torture, pain, agony and woes in Hell will be so traumatizing
That it’ll be as if it’s only you
For the inflictions of those soul injuries when they’ll be fully unleashed
Will become very high above the bearing of any soul
That one will not know that there’s another soul therein

The crying, noise, wailing and weeping in Hell will be so thunderous
That it’ll be as if it’s only you
For the copiousness of those groanings when they’ll fully flow
Will become very high above the bearing of any soul
That one will not know that there’s another soul therein

Therefore Hell may pull the largest crowd in history, and that may ever be
But it’ll be as if it’s only you
For the extreme experience of those ignominies when they’ll be at their peaks
Will become very high above the bearing of any soul
That one will not know that there’s another soul therein

Robinson Enegide

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