AT THAT MOMENT… when Jesus cried out, IT IS FINISHED,…

AT THAT MOMENT… when Jesus cried out, IT IS FINISHED, scripture tells us the veil at the Temple that blocked the entrance to the Holy of Holies, the actual dwelling place of God among the people, was torn in half from the top of it, all the way to the bottom! This was a huge veil, not fragile like a bride’s veil. History records that this veil was actually about 60 feet tall, 30 feet wide 4-5 inches in thickness. The massiveness of the veil would have made it impossible for any human to tear it into two pieces! It was as if God took the giant invoice that listed the sins of the entire world and ripped it in half… when Jesus said IT IS FINISHED! Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so the veil, or separation, was no longer needed! We can now enter into His presence through a relationship with Christ Himself!
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.”
“For God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that all would come to repentance.”❤️

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