Author: ourCOG

Maybe We Are?

So, unless you've been in a box or an uncharted island, you have witnessed the rises of Herman Cain and the destruction of the same. Herman has been around for a long time, briefly in the public spotlight at times, (such as when he single handily cause... »

I told my prayer group this morning that I’m going to write a fasting book and call it "the hunger games." #Morestairsandgiggles #ourCOG

I told my prayer group this morning that I'm going to write a fasting book and call it "the hunger games." #Morestairsandgiggles #ourCOG »

@bibliata @ChadFickett send me a love offering and I’ll break that #ourCOG $100 bill for ya… lol

@bibliata @ChadFickett send me a love offering and I'll break that #ourCOG $100 bill for ya... lol »

chew on this before you face tommorrow. Psalms 37:7-9… Hit u where u live right here. #ourCoG

chew on this before you face tommorrow. Psalms 37:7-9... Hit u where u live right here. #ourCoG »