Author: ourCOG


This kinda explains why this country is 14 trillion dollars in debt, don't ya think?What is wrong with us?How they vote in the United Nations:Below are the actual voting records of various Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Depart... »

Recruit and Retain – Lessons 6 and 7

People normally avoid commitments, but need a time frame. People need regular, consistent, and encouraging communication from their leader. I think that have already hit on both of these, but let me provide a few closing thoughts on them. When people decide to help out, give them numerous time frames. I would suggest one month, [...] »

Why a lot of Christians don’t love Jewish people as much as they say they do.

With the end of the end of the world series coming this weekend, I will either sadly or mercifully take a break from these issues, depending on how you look at it. One of my repeated critiques of popular end-times scenarios has been the passive acceptance that we can only expect horror in the Middle [...] »

#OurCOG "The Spirit does not come merely to speak, but the speaking is His announcement that He has come to (cont)

#OurCOG "The Spirit does not come merely to speak, but the speaking is His announcement that He has come to (cont) »