Author: ourCOG

Your Father Knows ________

10/02/11 - Morning »

It’s Not About You, or Me… It’s About God

A friend sent me the following in an email today and I wanted to share it. He said it was written by Ryan Whitley. I have no idea who Ryan Whitley is, but he makes a very good point.While away on vacation I visited a handful of churches. I always enjo... »

Thanks @pknipp2 for all ur work and creativity on the @High5kids1 October set @westmorecog! It’s "Out of this world!" #ourCOG #kidmin

Thanks @pknipp2 for all ur work and creativity on the @High5kids1 October set @westmorecog! It's "Out of this world!" #ourCOG #kidmin »

@revkevinwalker you are still premill., I assume, as per #ourCOG Declaration of Faith (1948)

@BroKEV83 you are still premill., I assume, as per #ourCOG Declaration of Faith (1948) »