Author: ourCOG

publicity stunts in Jesus’ name #ourCOG #ourCOG

publicity stunts in Jesus’ name #ourCOG #ourCOG »

publicity stunts in Jesus’ name #ourCOG

publicity stunts in Jesus’ name #ourCOG »

publicity stunts in Jesus’ name

May 21 will come and go without the end of the world. Korans will be burned. Protests will happen at soldiers’ funerals and pro-gay events. Boycotts will take place at various institutions. Books will be written by pastors declaring that there is no hell. And Jesus’ name gets attached to them all. Each time one [...] »

David Crowder Band is Breaking Up.

Well, breaking up has bad connotations.They are finishing their current album and going on their last tour, The 7 Tour. All of them have gotten married in the last few years and have children now.It’s fully understandable, but yet is a rather sad, da... »