Author: ourCOG

RT @robalderman: “@nprnews: Deadly Blasts Hit Baghdad’s Christian Districts” #pray #ourcog

RT @robalderman: “@nprnews: Deadly Blasts Hit Baghdad's Christian Districts” #pray #ourcog »

“@nprnews: Deadly Blasts Hit Baghdad’s Christian Districts” #pray #ourcog

“@nprnews: Deadly Blasts Hit Baghdad's Christian Districts” #pray #ourcog »

Resolve to pray, R $ and human resources can go much further for the Kingdom. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit…" Z4:6 #ourcog

Resolve to pray, R $ and human resources can go much further for the Kingdom. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit..." Z4:6 #ourcog »

@westmorecog Resolve conference Doug Small said, "We throw money and human resources at problems that can only be solved by prayer" #ourcog

@westmorecog Resolve conference Doug Small said, "We throw money and human resources at problems that can only be solved by prayer" #ourcog »